1decision Activity Worksheets

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The "Computer Safety Declaration" Activity Worksheets are designed to educate children on the safe and responsible use of computers and the internet. These worksheets focus on teaching the principles of digital citizenship, including online privacy, respectful communication, and awareness of internet safety rules.

Activities typically involve children learning about various aspects of computer safety, such as protecting personal information, avoiding inappropriate content, understanding the risks of cyberbullying, and recognising safe websites. The worksheets might include checklists, true/false quizzes, or scenario-based questions to reinforce these concepts.

A key feature of these worksheets is the creation of a "Computer Safety Declaration" – a pledge that children make, promising to adhere to safe internet practices. This could involve writing down a set of personal rules for online behaviour, which might include respecting others online, not sharing personal information, and telling an adult if they encounter something uncomfortable or suspicious.

By engaging with the "Computer Safety Declaration" worksheets, children learn to be conscious and thoughtful about their actions in the digital world, fostering responsible and safe online behaviour. This activity is crucial in the modern age, where children are increasingly active in digital spaces.


We create interactive PSHE and RSHE resources for primary children. As part of the media generation, we know how important it is to engage and teach from a young age. Each module is carefully created by PSHE and Safeguarding experts together with schools and, most importantly, children. We are proud to offer resources to over 2,000 schools in 47 UK counties and across the world.


  • 1decision Ltd Suite 1, Niall House 24-26 Boulton Road Stevenage, Herts, SG1 4QX
  • 01438 750330
  • info@1decision.co.uk
  • Company ID:07875122


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