Pricing Options

Pricing starts from £185paNow supporting children aged 3-11

The 1decision suite of life skills resources are recommended for children aged 3-11. Our modules, which have been created to support Early Years (PSED), Primary PSHE and SMSC development, cover statutory Health and RSE education, as well as personal safety, British values, the working world, feelings and emotions, online safety, media influences and so much more.

If you would like to request a quote, please click the request a quote button below.

*Please note annual subscriptions are based on your school size.

"Any school with a serious commitment to safeguarding, behaviour and safety cannot afford to ignore PSHE or resources like 1decision." – Natasha Beckles, The Willows Primary School.

Primary PSHE and SMSC development
Primary PSHE Portal
Student Workbooks

Our bank of resources for

3-11 year olds includes:

  • Award-winning Early Years Portal
  • Fully Kitemarked Primary PSHE Portal
  • Whole school training portal
  • Nurture group resources
  • Pupil Workbooks to assess progress
  • Mindfulness videos for meditation
  • Assemblies to support awareness days
  • Telephone and web chat support


We create interactive PSHE and RSHE resources for primary children. As part of the media generation, we know how important it is to engage and teach from a young age. Each module is carefully created by PSHE and Safeguarding experts together with schools and, most importantly, children. We are proud to offer resources to over 2,000 schools in 47 UK counties and across the world.


  • 1decision Ltd Suite 1, Niall House 24-26 Boulton Road Stevenage, Herts, SG1 4QX
  • 01438 750330
  • Company ID:07875122


We like to practise what we preach and, as such, are always looking for new ways to gain feedback, become aware and grow. If you have any thoughts or insights into our resources and company, please feel free to get in touch. Awareness leads to change, after all.


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