1decision Activity Worksheets

I Can Keep Myself Safe By
The "Who/What Is Special to Me" Activity Worksheets are designed to help children explore and articulate their feelings about the people, places, and things that hold significance in their lives. These worksheets provide self-expression and reflection opportunities, enabling children to recognise and appreciate the aspects of their lives that they value most.

Activities typically include drawing or writing tasks where children depict or describe who or what is special to them, such as family members, friends, pets, favourite places, or cherished objects. These exercises often encourage children to explain why these elements are important, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of their personal connections and experiences.

Additionally, these worksheets may incorporate activities like creating collages or storyboards that celebrate these special people or things or sharing stories with peers about why they are meaningful. This promotes emotional expression, empathy, and respect for others' experiences and values.

By engaging in these activities, children learn to acknowledge and cherish their relationships and surroundings, enhancing their emotional well-being and sense of gratitude. The "Who/What Is Special to Me" worksheets are valuable for nurturing self-awareness and emotional literacy in young learners.


We create interactive PSHE and RSHE resources for primary children. As part of the media generation, we know how important it is to engage and teach from a young age. Each module is carefully created by PSHE and Safeguarding experts together with schools and, most importantly, children. We are proud to offer resources to over 2,000 schools in 47 UK counties and across the world.


  • 1decision Ltd Suite 1, Niall House 24-26 Boulton Road Stevenage, Herts, SG1 4QX
  • 01438 750330
  • info@1decision.co.uk
  • Company ID:07875122


We like to practise what we preach and, as such, are always looking for new ways to gain feedback, become aware and grow. If you have any thoughts or insights into our resources and company, please feel free to get in touch. Awareness leads to change, after all.


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